Monday, June 11, 2012

Jyeshtha maasa (Month of Jyeshtha)

ಜ್ಯೇಷ್ಠ  ಮಾಸ (Month of Jyeshtha)

When moon enters 'jyeshtha' nakshatra, the month of jyeshtha begins, third month in the Hindu calendar. And the patron deity of this month is "Sri Ramaatrivikrama" (ಶ್ರೀ ರಮಾತ್ರಿವಿಕ್ರಮ ). 'Jyeshtha' means significant. Almost each day in this month are significant in one way or other, therefore the name Jyeshtha

The significant days of this month, during shukla paksha and krishna paksha are as follows :

Shukla Paksha (the first 15 days) : 
  • Dashaharaa vrat (ದಶಹರಾ ವ್ರತ)
  • Mohana dasa aradhane (ಮೋಹನ ದಾಸರ ಆರಾಧನೆ) 
  • Karaveera vrat / pooja (ಕರವೀರ  ವ್ರತ / ಪೂಜಾ  ) : This pooja is observed on jyeshtha shuddha pratipat(the first ay of this month). Karaveera means kanagale flower. This paticular flower is verydear to Sun and goddes durga.

    Pooja procedure : On this day, in the morning, a thread, having three or seven strands, made red by immersing in kumkum water, should be tied around Karaveera plant. Then invoke the Sun for his presence in this plant. For naivedya, seven different types if sprouts, coconut, oranges should be offered. Offer three pradakshinas, chanting the following mantra:

             ಕರವೀರ ವೃಷಾವಾಸ ನಮಸ್ಟೇ ಭಾನುವಲ್ಲಭ |
              ಮೌಲಿಮಂಡನ ದುರ್ಗಾದಿದೇವಾನಾಮ್ ಸತತಂ ಪ್ರಿಯ ||

    This pooja is done by married women for longevity of their husbands, to quell any trouble in their husband's life and for peace, joy and prosperity. The celestial women who performed this pooja are Savitri, Satyabhama, Damayanti, Saraswati, Gayatri, Ganga.

  • Bhaskar pooja (ಭಾಸ್ಕರ ಪೂಜಾ ) : It falls on jyeshtha dwitiya, the second day of this month. On this day, the Sun is worshiped. Various festival dishes are prepared and brahmins are honored by inviting them to partake this festival food. On tis day, one must chant Aditya-hridaya stotra as many times as possible. This pooja is to ward off any ill health and pray for a continuous good health.

  • Trivikrama vrat / pooja (ತ್ರಿವಿಕ್ರಮ ವ್ರತ  / ಪೂಜಾ ) :On this day, Sri Trivikrama is worshiped. Invite brahmin for food and especilly serve milk, honey and sugar in their food. But the host should not eat these. This vrat has to be observed for 3 months and at the end of third year, a three year calf has to be given in charity. This vrat is done to gain beautiful bodily features. 

  • Rambha vrat / pooja ( ರಂಭಾ ವ್ರತ / ಪೂಜಾ ) : Rambha means a banana tree. Once goddess Saraswati, left her husband, Brahma, due to her vanity about her beauty. At which point of time, Brahma cursed her to turn into a banana tree, a seedless plant. For five years, Saraswati stayed at her father's house and by this time her pride had vanished. Brahma accepted her back on jyeshtha tritiya, third day of this month. And as Saraswati was in the form of a banana tree during the time period of her curse, Lord Brahma blessed the banana tree by saying that any married women who performs pooja under a banana tree on jyeshtha tritiya will be blessed with good marital life and children. Brahmin couple should be invited for food.

  • Uma Pooja  (ಉಮಾ ಪೂಜಾ ) : This falls on jyeshtha chaturthi, fourth day of this month. It was on this day that goddess Uma or Parvati was born to Himalaya and Menaka. Married women pray to Parvati for longevity of their husbands.

  • Pitra Pooja (ಪಿತ್ರ ಪೂಜಾ ): This is on jyeshtha panchami, fifth day of this month. Men, on this day, give tila(sesame seeds) tarpana for elders in the family who are departed. This is done to ensure good children are begotten in the family.

  • Jyeshtha Lakshmi Pooja (ಜ್ಯೇಷ್ಠಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀ ಪೂಜಾ): This is on jyeshtha saptami, seventh day. On this day, goddess Lakshmi is worshiped to shower wealth and prosperity. By doing so, it is believed that goddess Lakshmi will reside in ones home permanently. 

Krishna Paksha (the last 15 days)
  • Apara ekadashi and Trivikrama dwadhashi (ಅಪರಾ ಏಕಾದಶಿ ಮತ್ತು ತ್ರಿವಿಕ್ರಮ ದ್ವಾದಶೀ)
  • Sri Vijayeendra teerthara aradhane (ಶ್ರೀ ವೀಜಯೀಂದ್ರ ತೀರ್ಥರು)   
As per the Gregorian calendar, this month falls in May-June. And as the season is summer, the shastras mandates the following to be given away in charity to the deserving, to help cope with hot weather. While giving the daana, we should bear in mind that we are offering the charity to please Lord Sri Ramaatrivikrama and thus seek his blessings.
  • Udaka-kumbha daana (ಉದಕಕುಂಭ ದಾನ ) : Offering a picture full of water or making drinking water available at public places ranks first in the list of offering. Even giving water to animals which happen to stray in front of one's home is considered important.Watering holy trees like Ashwath, Vat (Bamboo) and plants like Tulasi, Kanakambara is also considered meritorious.
  • Hand fan (ಬೀಸಣಿಗೆ ದಾನ). 
  • Gandha(sandalwood) daana (ಗಂಧ ದಾನ )
  • Slippers (ಚಪ್ಪಲಿ ದಾನ)
  • Umbrella (ಛತ್ರಿ ದಾನ)  
  • Offering Curd Rice (ಮೊಸರನ್ನ ದಾನ) : Offering curd rice in this hot month pleases Lord Vamana.
  • Having cold water bath (ಶೀತಲಜಲ ಸ್ನಾನ)  
To sum up the above list, one should bathe in cold water in a river, preferably in the holy Ganga. If this is not possible, one can bathe in any river or a nearby well (river Ganga came down to earth in this month, hence it is believed that water in all rivers and wells have the presence of Ganga).

Then if a brahmin visits your home, wash his feet with cold water(a diety by name yagya varaha resides in right foot of a brahmin), offer him cold water to drink, honor him with sandalwood paste and an umbrella and offer him curd rice as daana, as a part of his food. Fan him with a hand fan while he is partaking his food and later offer that hand fan as well as daana.  


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