Friday, June 1, 2012

Jyeshtha Shukla Ekadashi - Nirjala Ekadashi / Pandava-Dwadashi

|| shree ||

Ekadashi (fasting) vow is an easy way to please Lord Vishnu in kali Yuga, which requires little money, little efforts but gives great fruit.One should not eat on ekadashi day and worship Lord Vishnu, which makes him free from all sins. Worship may be in the form of japa or singing devotional hymns or reading or listening to Vishnu mahima. Ekadashi is also know as upavasa (upa = near, vasa = to be ), which means be near Lord Vishnu. It is a day to get spiritually charged up with more chanting, listening, remembering, glorifying and serving Lord Vishnu.

 The Ekadashi which occurs in jyeshtha masa (month of jyeshtha), shukla paksha (before poornima),
is known as Nirjala (nir = without, jala=water) Ekadashi. This ekadashi must be observed with such asturuty, from the morning of ekadashi to the morning of dwadashi, that drinking water is prohibited, let alone eating ekadashi phalahara. But the 'nirjala' concept should not be extended to not taking a sip of water during achamana. Those who perform this ekadashi which such devotion will acquire the punya of having observed 12 ekadashis.

According to puranic belief, a king by name, Pracheenabarhi, made sure that nobody had access to water on this day. Thus the name "Nirjala" got prefixed with this ekadashi. The day after ekadashi is known as dwadashi and here it is known as Pandava Dwadashi.

Legend behind Pandava dwadashi : According to Padma Purana verse 51, Sri Vedavyasa maharshi, advised Pandavas to observe ekadashi in both the pakshas(i.e shukla paksha and krishna paksha). But Bhimsena, the second of the pandavas, said it is not possible for him to be without eating, because hunger was unbearable to him, as he had agni (fire) in his stomach by name vruka. He asked for a solution so that he could derive the same punya (merit) of having observed ekadashis of both pakshas.

Sri Vedavyasa then told Bhimsena to at least observe Nirjala ekadashi, which would earn him punya equivalent to having observed 12 ekadashis. Bhimsena begins to observe this ekadashi and on next day, i.e on dwadashi, gives away daana (charity) and breaks the fast. Hence this dwadashi is known as Pandava dwadasi.

Was Bhimsena really not able to observe other ekadashis ?
We madhvas believe Bhimsena to be the incarnation of Sri Vayu, who in the form of a tortoise, holds the entire universe on his head, as if it was a mere mustard seed. And Sri Vayu ranks foremost among devotees of Lord Vishnu. The idea that such a person is not capable of observing ekadashis to earn benevolence of Lord Vishnu is incomprehensible to any madhva.Bhimsena showed the world the importance of observing this one ekadashi through Sri Vedavyasa by enacting this incident. He underlined the importance of this ekadashi by demonstrating that no matter who you are, you have to conform to the shastras (the rules) and observe this ekadashi.

Stotra to be recited on the morning of ekadashi, after bath: 
 devadeva hrisheekesha sansaara arnavataaraka |
  udakumbha pradanena naya maam paramaam gatim ||
Dana (charity) to be given on Pandava dwadashi
  •  Jaladhenudaana : A pot, with pictures of a cow and her calf, full of water is to be given away.This pot of water should first be offered to Lord Narayana (the one who lives in water) to seek his blessings. Then it is be given away as daana along with dakshina.
  • Ghritadhenudaana : Ghrita = ghee and dhenu = cow. In a copper vessel, set the ghee. Worship Lord Vishnu with this ghee, draw a cow and a calf on the top layer of ghee (for this reason the set ghee should be very thick and firm), cover this copper vessel with a cloth and give it away as daana, along with flowers and dakshina.     
In the year, 2012, Nirjala ekaashi is on June 1st. May Sri Hari and Vayu bless us with strength and determination to observe this ekadashi.

|| Shree Krishnarpanamastu ||


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